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Secure Car Line Management System

Using cloud and smart device technology to ensure a safe and secure school dismissal


Why KidMarshal?

The award winning solution that provides secure and efficient child pick-up!

Teachers and administrators agree that safety concerns are highest during afternoon pick-up. That is why we developed KidMarshal, a secure child pick-up system that validates the identity and authorization of each guardian using electronic authentication technology and photo identification. KidMarshal uses handheld mobile devices to confirm the appropriate guardian. Then, the verified data is translated via wireless network to digital displays where the children are waiting for pick-up.

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Meet the Founder

Why was KidMarshal created and what was the heart behind this innovative solution. Hear the story by Julie Willis, Founder of KidMarshal explain the "Why".



KidMarshal combines smart devices, digital displays sync'd with school attendance database systems to provide secure and efficient child pick up via car-line. Integrating technology and security provides teachers the assurance that they are placing their students with the proper drivers and increasing child safety.

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How does KidMarshal work?

In our existing schools where KidMarshal is installed, we have over a 50% improvement in pick-up line speed. Is that important? Ask the parents. Another benefit is the additional security of insuring the proper driver is picking up the children. Tying this into government child endangerment systems and notification systems for the parents, provides a level of comfort that parents can experience with no other system of it's type. 

The Bark


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is KidMarshal?
    KidMarshal is a secure child pick-up system for use in school car lines. The cloud based platform also uses technologies like smartphones, tablet displays, and classroom displays, to provide a highly efficient and safe means for schools and churches to facilitate child pick-up.
  • How does the teacher in the car line communicate with staff inside the school?
    KidMarshal utilizes smartphone technology to transmit vital pick-up information to the KidMarshal Cloud. When the parent or guardian arrives, the teacher in the car line will scan the drivers KidMarshal app on their smartphone. The teacher will then validate, through photo identification, that the person is the correct one in the profile. The teacher will then select the children who are identified with the driver profile that are to be picked up, and KidMarshal will transmit that information to a large display inside the school’s staging area display or classroom display. All information transmitted is encrypted and compliant with FERPA practices.
  • Can I set up KidMarshal on my own?
    Setup is extremely easy and can be done quickly. The most difficult part is the input of student data into the system. That can be done much easier if you use a Student Information System supported by KidMarshal. The primary driver is the only one that needs to be setup by the school inside the system. After that, that parent can add as many additional drivers as they wish by send them a registration invite and associating the new driver with the account.
  • Can I use the displays for other purposes?
    Yes, this is one of the added benefits of KidMarshal. If you are interested in having your displays showcase digital signage (such as announcements, menu options, etc.), you can use virtually any digital signage solution to display the queue or login through a web browser.
  • How can I be sure that this system is secure?
    The KidMarshal system utilizes encrypted technology with a secure user login. The network is managed by school administrators who can place the same level of protection on this system as they place on all of the other school systems. All system data is encrypted and imported in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA.
  • What happens if a driver isn’t set up in the system?
    All drivers must be properly registered in KidMarshal in order to maintain the highest level of security for the school and the children. In the event that an unregistered driver arrives for pick-up, the school will ask the driver to pull into a separate line or parking area to be manually validated. At that time, the school should arrange to have that guardian added to the system if approved.
  • How long will it take to set up KidMarshal?
    Setup can be very quick as long as some dependent systems are already in place. There are several steps in the process, many of which can be worked on at the same time. The step that requires the most careful planning is registering the drivers which can now be enrolled by the primary driver.
  • What if I have a custody issue with a student and their parent has a registered KidMarshal app?
    KidMarshal admin interface allows you to edit your students profile and who is allowed to pick them up. These changes are in realtime and will de-authorize a driver, even if your pickup day has already started. You can also enter in "custody rules" according to any documentation sent to you by the family court. For instance, if a child is allowed to be picked up by the father only on Monday and Friday, you can place those rules in the system to be displayed when the driver initially scans in.
  • I have several elementary schools in my district that would love to use KidMarshal. Can KidMarshal serve an entire school district?
    Absolutely. KidMarshal was designed to manage a large range of school types from individual private schools, to large school districts. System Admin can use single login capability to manage all of the schools' settings.
  • My child is picked up by a daycare at school. Is there a way to know that my child got on the daycare van safely?
    When setting up your child’s profile, you have the option of activating notifications, which will send you an email or text message when your child boards the daycare van or carpool vehicle.
  • What will prevent an unauthorized person from obtaining the KidMarshal app and picking up a student?
    KidMarshal validates the identity of the driver in two ways: possession of the validated app and a verification photo, similar to a photo from a driver’s license. KidMarshal enables a higher level of security in this process because, unlike a driver’s license photo that can change hands, the KidMarshal photo is maintained within the system. Therefore, it cannot be manipulated. The greeting teacher scans the KidMarshal app and then validates the driver by comparing the system photo. Only drivers authorized by the primary guardian are allowed to be validated and can be invalidated at any time by that same primary guardian.
  • I really think KidMarshal could be right for my school. Who can I contact to learn more about KidMarshal?
    Contact us today and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us at to schedule a demo.

As Seen On

School Kids

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509 9th Avenue North

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577

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